Thursday, February 17, 2011

I've Learned to Worship

As I set in a Sunday service, I closed my eyes and listened to the call to
worship.  Then it hit me; we know more about praise then we know about worship. 
Thanksgiving gets us in the gates, praise gets us in the courts, but worship
takes us into His presence.  We often get stalled in the courtyard and never
make it to the throne room.
God is looking for authentic worship!  Worship that not only comes from the
lips, but also from the heart.  He is raising up a worshipping bride who
desires to be lost in the love of His presence.  This worship is bringing life
back into the body of Christ.  It is restoring joy to God's people, and
restoring our love to the Father.  It is bringing liberty and deliverance to
the people of God.

We can't expect to enter in, on our emotions, or how we feel.  The word of God
tells us in John 4:23-24 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father
seeketh such to worship him.  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth”.

So before you can worship in the way that God desires, you must develop a
personal relationship with Jesus, cultivated in prayer and fellowship.  "I am the
way the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John

It is a privilege to worship God.  We would be miserable and lifeless without
this privilege.  Worship will lift you spirit, charge a chaotic atmosphere,
and break the spirit of heaviness.

When my special needs son Cory was born, I learned to worship.  It became my lifestyle.
I found out worship wasn’t just showing up for Wednesday and Sunday services.  Cory was born a very medically fragile boy, spending a lot of time in the hospital.  Here I was this new mom, feeling overwhelmed, and life as I new was over.  I new I needed help!  

I began to understand the importance of spending quite time with God, soaking in His very presence.  Yes I was a believer, and I prayed regularly.  But the more time I soaked in the presence of God, I realized I was praying some very selfish prayers.   

You see, worship is a condition of the heart, to walk in holiness and love.  As God began to show me myself, I was able to repent and come into a deeper relationship with Him.  This relationship helped me deal with all the bad reports I was getting from doctor’s concerning my son.  I was told he wouldn’t live to be a year old.  That sent me into a radical worship.  My son is now nine years old.

It is my worship to an Almighty God that lifts me from the pit of humanity’s problems to a higher and purer perspective.  My worship causes me to truly understand “with God all things are possible” (Luke 18:27), because I’m trusting in God for every thing, because He is faithful.  You see, I have learned to worship my way through difficult times.  Worship is powerful, it will charge and change a chaotic atmosphere, and break the spirit of heaviness.

What does your life look like?  Can people look at you and know you’ve been with Jesus (Acts 4:13).  Can Jesus been seen in you?  It is the love of God that should ignite authentic worship in you!  "For God so love the world that He gave His
only begotten Son...(John 3:16).  That is extreme love!  Jesus tells us to love the
Lord with all thy heart, soul and mind (Mark 12:30.  This type of love requires
you to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthews 6:33), and obey the Holy Spirit
as He leads you.

In caring for my special needs son, I must listen to the Holy Spirit!  When my son’s head begin to swell at three months old, I closed my eyes and prayed, “Lord, help me!  Is something wrong with my baby?  And I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Go to the hospital”.  And when I got to the hospital, one of the doctors’s asked me, “How did you know to bring him here?”  When I told the doctor I prayed about it, they wanted me to talk with a counselor.  I didn’t need a counselor; I had already spoken to the Wonderful Counselor!

I challenge you today in your love walk and in your worship to an Almighty God. 
Allow Jesus to be seen in you.  Be mindful of your actions and reactions to
others.  Have you learned to deal so close with God that you know Omnipotence is
working in you?
Be blessed!

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